Nashville-based celebrity canine Internet star Doug the Pug – who has amassed more followers on Facebook, Instagram and twitter than Hollywood celebrity A-listers Brad Pit and George Clooney – will be making his Canadian debut at Woofstock. This adorable dog has more than five million fans on all social media platforms, and his fan-base keeps climbing. Doug the Pug, has taken time out of his busy schedule of hanging out with celebrities, book signings and endorsement deals to speak, um, bark to Canine Culture®. His lovely mom Leslie Mosier was kind enough to translate dog into human speak. Here’s what he had to say:

Courtesy of Doug the Pug / Leslie Moiser
What’s your favourite place to eat?
Five Points Pizza in Nashville! I love pizza if you couldn’t already tell.
Are felines jealous of you?
I like cats and cats like me. I’m not into that whole dog-cat rivalry thing.
Who is your celebrity crush?
Beyonce. Always Beyonce.
Who, according to you is the best-dressed dog, beside yourself?
Menswear Dog!
What’s your favourite smell?
Food! Specifically pizza.
What do you like to do most?
I love eating, hanging out with my furry friends, and traveling.
And finally, I understand you’re planning a trip to Canada, specifically Toronto in May –
What are your plans?
We’re going to eat poutine and try to find Drake! <> <>
Doug The Pug will make his Canadian debut at Woofstock on Saturday, May 28 & Sunday, May 29