It’s called putting your wallet where your mouth is. This week, Utah-based TML animation studio launched a Kickstarter campaign to crowd-fund an animated short film titled Chase the Ball. Created by Kyle Logan, it’s a story about an odd pair of best friends – a tennis ball and his dog named Chase. Told from the tennis ball’s perspective during the final days of Chase’s life, the tennis ball reminisces about their time together. Through these memories, we witness the formation of a life bond not even death can break.
Founded in 2009, Kickstarter is a juggernaut crowd-funding platform that supports artists, entrepreneurs, musicians and filmmakers looking for backers to pledge funding to their proposed projects. It’s a perfect community-based platform for anybody who wants to invest in projects, with very little money or risk involved.
For as little as five dollars or more pledged, you will receive an exclusive download before anyone else has an opportunity to see it.
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